Cancellation of my subscription

Hello Edwin. I understand how something like this can really try your patience. Upon reviewing your account I see that you have AVG Performance multidevice (1 year subscription) in your account and the auto renewal has been unsubscribed. Also your AVG Performance is valid till 2015.9.10. Please do not worry you won't be charged after it. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance. Thank you.

Have received a mail "Ihr AVG-Abonnement wird automatisch verlängert". I do not whish to continue my subscription!! In contrast to your description in your FAQ saying:

Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, die automatische Verlängerung zu beenden:

  • über den entsprechenden Link in der Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail
  • mithilfe Ihres AVG MyAccount, wo Ihre Bestellungen und Abonnements verwaltet werden.
Both possibilities do not work, as there is no link integrated in the original mail nor in AVG My Account and contact by 'phone does not work either.

I am not amused!

Regards EWM
Hello Edwin. I understand how something like this can really try your patience. Upon reviewing your account I see that you have AVG Performance multidevice (1 year subscription) in your account and the auto renewal has been unsubscribed. Also your AVG Performance is valid till 2015.9.10. Please do not worry you won't be charged after it. Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance. Thank you.