Cannot open my Vodafone Mobile connect in my browser

Hello Peter,

We will help you to resolve it.

Can you please change the location in AVG Secure VPN and check whether you can access Mobile connect website?

Keep us updated.

I shanged my location but still cannot access my mobile website. All other websites open no problem. Mine is a Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Router

My trial VPN is running successfully but now I cannot open my Vodafone Mobile Connect site in order to manage my Wi-Fi. Can only do this if the VPN is disconnected. Anybody have the same problem? 

Thank you for the information.

Are you facing this issue in your computer or Mobile device?

Did you get any error message when you try to access the website?

You can try selecting the following locations Gotham, Miami, New York, Seattle, Wonderland in AVG Secure VPN and check whether you are able to access the website.

Keep us posted.

Hello Peter,

We will help you to resolve it.

Can you please change the location in AVG Secure VPN and check whether you can access Mobile connect website?

Keep us updated.

I shanged my location but still cannot access my mobile website. All other websites open no problem. Mine is a Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Router

  1. On my laptop computer
    2. Error: This site can’t be reached
    Check if there is a typo in vodafonemobile.wifi.
    If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
    3. Error2: This site can’t be reached
    vodafonemobile.wifi’s server IP address could not be found.
    Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS configuration
    Running Windows Network Diagnostics
    4. Tried all locations but still won't access the site.

Thank you for writing back to us, Peter.

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