Cannot Open or Uninstall AVG 1-click maintenance

Hello Max. Please try to remove AVG TuneUp using this Tune Up remover tool ( Once done with the uninstallation download & install latest version from the AVG webpage ( Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance.

Thanks again Kishore - worked fine after an initial scare ( showed the error message ) but went on to uninstall anyway. Now updated and all tickety boo ~ Max

My 1 clic will not operate and all error messages state either "failed to start because rtl120.bpl was not found - re-installing application may fix this problem" or when trying to uninstall "intergrator.exe unable to locate component"
I assumed that downloading latest version would solve the problem as this auto deletes the old one but again rtl120.bpl not found.
tried uninstall via AVG properties/find target run uninstall manager and guess what? it's not there again and it seems that nothing's going to happen without it!
I've got XP 2002 service pack 3 and like 1 clic as it suits my limited use of the computor.
I have very limited experience in these things but have tried my best . . . . 
has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
With thanks 

Thanks again Kishore - worked fine after an initial scare ( showed the error message ) but went on to uninstall anyway. Now updated and all tickety boo ~ Max

Thank you Kishore am going to try now - will let you know, on this page, how i got on ~ Max

Hello Max. Please try to remove AVG TuneUp using this Tune Up remover tool ( Once done with the uninstallation download & install latest version from the AVG webpage ( Please feel free to contact us back for any further assistance.