Can't add my Mobile to AVG Zen

Hi Alec,
Sorry to know that. Please check if you have logged in as administrator in your Zen network. Then, please follow the below steps to invite your devices to join zen network. ( ).
Feel free to contact us if you have any queries with AVG products. Thank you.

Just bought AVG Performance and installed everything OK on my PC. Tried to add my Mobile to my PC on the AVG Zen screen. Can't do it because there is no + sign next to the PC icon. What am I missing / can do to get AVG on my mobile?
All suggustions welcomed
Hi Alec,
Sorry to know that. Please check if you have logged in as administrator in your Zen network. Then, please follow the below steps to invite your devices to join zen network. ( ).
Feel free to contact us if you have any queries with AVG products. Thank you.