Carla Pascua gave me yesterday an offer for AVG Ultimate

Hi Wim,

We're glad to help pointing you in the right direction. We do have a specialized team who deals with billing queries.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our billing team via chat & it got disconnected. The concerned team has sent you a follow up email to proceed further. 
However, you can visit this link to initiate a chat with our billing team to subscribe. 
Thank you for your understanding in advance!

She wrote me :  After the purchase, I will merge your current sobscritions with the AVG Ultimate so you won't lose your remaining days, but the auto-renewelwill be cancelled to prevent unexpected charges in the future.
Than the chat was knokdown. She offered  Ultimate multi divice EUR 119.99 for the reduce price EUR 83.99
Now I have already AVG  Internet Security ( is ending soon), TunUp, Secure VPN.

Hi Wim,

We're glad to help pointing you in the right direction. We do have a specialized team who deals with billing queries.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our billing team via chat & it got disconnected. The concerned team has sent you a follow up email to proceed further. 
However, you can visit this link to initiate a chat with our billing team to subscribe. 
Thank you for your understanding in advance!