Hello John,
We are here to help.
We've successfully updated your address in our database and this billing address will reflect in your future purchases.
You can edit your e-mail address, name and password through AVG MyAccount (Open online AVG MyAccount page > Click the email address or name in the top-right corner, and select My Profile > edit if needed).
We request you not to post sensitive details in a public post due to some privacy reasons.
I have recently moved house from 28 Wing Rd, Lie, Lon B*rd LNJ to:
5t, Leighton B*** L***L
How do I update my profile/new address?
Hello John,
We are here to help.
We've successfully updated your address in our database and this billing address will reflect in your future purchases.
You can edit your e-mail address, name and password through AVG MyAccount (Open online AVG MyAccount page > Click the email address or name in the top-right corner, and select My Profile > edit if needed).
We request you not to post sensitive details in a public post due to some privacy reasons.