Hi Ans,
Try enter first six characters of you usual password and if it doesn't help restoring tablets factory settings seems to be only solution.
I've read this solution in other topics, so I've tried this many times, but my tablet (has wi-fi! and no new SIM!) is still blocked.
I have installed premium AVG anti-virus on my Samsung tablet.
On the tablet I opened the website www.avgmobilation.com, clicked on "Anti-Theft Password and here I entered a password.
Immediately my tablet was blocked and I could not login with that same password, even not after restarting the tablet.
On my pc I changed the Anti-Theft Password again, this did not work.
Then I found out that this password is for sending an sms to your lost phone, but also to unlock the phone.
This is a tablet, so I can't dens an sms to it.
And when it says "change anti-theft password" how could I have known this would block my tablet???
Anyway, now I tried to first lock and then unlock the tablet.
On the tablet I got the AVG screen that asked for a password, this worked.
But then I got my "tablet screen" that asked for a password (I never used password protection on my tablet).
I first thought this had something to do with the tablets safety options, but after typing the "wrong" password 3 times I did get an email from AVG telling me "Someone is trying to get into your samsung SM-T310 device!".
What am I doing wrong?
How can I login to my tablet again?
Hi Ans,
You can unlock phone using web interface (https://www.avgmobilation.com/).
Please make sure your phone is connected to internet (wifi since new sim is not working).
Hi Ans,
Try enter first six characters of you usual password and if it doesn't help restoring tablets factory settings seems to be only solution.