Check a spurious email

Hello William,
We will certainly check this for you.
Will you be able to share the screenshot of the scam e-mail you received? This could usually happen when you enter your personal information in untrustworthy websites.
We always recommend our customers to perform a quick scan often. This is to ensure that your PC is protected against malware attacks and emerging threats. We do have a feature named Anti-Spam and must be installed separately. Anti-spam ensures that the inbox in your mail management software is free from unwanted spam and junk emails. This feature applies to mail clients installed on your PC, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.
Feel free to contact us if you need any further help.

Hello William,
We will certainly check this for you.
Will you be able to share the screenshot of the scam e-mail you received? This could usually happen when you enter your personal information in untrustworthy websites.
We always recommend our customers to perform a quick scan often. This is to ensure that your PC is protected against malware attacks and emerging threats. We do have a feature named Anti-Spam and must be installed separately. Anti-spam ensures that the inbox in your mail management software is free from unwanted spam and junk emails. This feature applies to mail clients installed on your PC, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.
Feel free to contact us if you need any further help.

I have received what looks like a scxam can I have AVG checvk this email? 

Thank you for the screenshot, William.

The email you received is a spam email. Your PC is protected with AVG. I recommend you to contact your mail service provider and check with them.