Como reaver reembolsa

Boa tarde, no dia 26/05/2022 anulei a subscrição com sucesso de um produto, tenho e-mail enviado com a confirmação da AVG, entretanto  no dia 10 de Julho foi-me cobrado a renovação, o que posso fazer para reaver o reembolso.
Obrigado pela ajuda
Paulo Leitão
Good afternoon, on 26/05/2022 I successfully anundered the subscription of a product, I have email sent with the confirmation of AVG, however on July 10 I was charged the renewal, what can I do to get back the refund.
Thanks for the help
Paulo Leitão

Hello Paulo,
Support through this channel is currently available in English only.
We will certainly check and help you.
As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.
Thank you for your understanding.