I have answered you .
You can refer to t he details of payments as listed by you which are correct so please do not put
me to any further inconvenience by having to go through all my bank statemenst again.
Just do the right thing and avoid the need for further protracted correspondence.
Lionel Barnett
Hello Lionel,
We request you not to provide the email address on a public forum.
Yes, we are ready to take the action regarding your concern.
We have sent an email and requested few details which would help us to provide further assistance.
Please revert to our email without changing its subject.
Thank you.
AVG appear to be indulging in corrupt extortionate tactics ny imposing incremental subscription charges at odd intervals instead of the normal annual charge. This is shameful. When trying to get an adjustment they diverted from the real issue. AVG are you willing to take corrective action ?
Lionel Barnett
(email address removed)
Lionel, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I was able to pull up your refund request.
As informed by our team, we will not be able to refund due to policy.
Do you mean to say that we overcharged you for AVG purchase?
I had written several times in the last two weeks and did not receive a reply until yesterday 21/04 at 21.32 from Rahul Rangan which was negative. I have had several communications today including one
from Balasubramarian at 13.02 asking for my Bank Statements with details of payments. You already
have details in the Accounts on your own records as listed by me. Do not confuse any request for refund with overcharges at random intervals which seems to be your new policy to boost profits.
You have the necesary information and you should not try to inconvenience me further. Just do the
right thing now without further prevarication. Lionel Barnett from England, U K
Hello Lionel,
We request you not to provide the email address on a public forum.
Yes, we are ready to take the action regarding your concern.
We have sent an email and requested few details which would help us to provide further assistance.
Please revert to our email without changing its subject.
Thank you.