Stefano, To obtain the best support available you should actually have posted in the proper 'Business products' area (https://support.avg.com/answers?feedtype=RECENT&dc=Business_products_v2&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&).
AVG Guru

I have a pc infected with this virus, it shows a screen on login saying my files are encrypted and that I have to pay to get the decryption.
How can I remove this virus ?
I tried with a Scan of AVG Business Edition 2011 10.0.1434 but it has not found the virus cause it is still on my pc.
The damned virus encrypted all the files in the pc (not a big problem) and all the files in a shared server (a disaster, took me 1 hour to backup them).
I can provide a log of the scan but the virus ios not even detected…

sorry, posted there…

sorry, posted there…

Stefano, To obtain the best support available you should actually have posted in the proper 'Business products' area (https://support.avg.com/answers?feedtype=RECENT&dc=Business_products_v2&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&).
AVG Guru
User stefano malmesi has now posted in the correct area (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D4WFAA0).
AVG Guru