Dautel jacqueline

Bonjour monsieur
Mon mari DANIEL DAUTEL est décédé le 15 JUIN 2018
C’est la raison pour laquelle l’abonnement n’a pas pu être renouvelé  - 
Je suis son épouse JACQUELINE DAUTEL  -  3, rue Richard Chambovet  -  42400 SAINT CHAMOND
Téléphone 0477292046
Pouvez-vous modifier le titulaire d’AVG (JACQUELINE au lieu de DANIEL) afin que je puisse reprendre son abonnement
Merci par avance
Bien cordialement
Jacqueline dautel

Hello, Daniel.
AVG support is currently available in English only. Could you write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help!

Daniel, This Community is basically only English language.. Query translation....
[French to English]
Hello sir
My husband DANIEL DAUTEL died on JUNE 15, 2018 That's why the subscription could not be renewed - I am his wife JACQUELINE DAUTEL - 3, rue Richard Chambovet - 42400 SAINT CHAMOND Phone 0477292046 Can you modify the AVG holder (JACQUELINE instead of DANIEL) so that I can resume his subscription
thanks in advance
Best regards
AVG Guru

Hello, Daniel.
AVG support is currently available in English only. Could you write to us in English? We will be waiting for your response and are eager to help!