Hi Moustafa,
We're sorry to know that you've decided to delete AVG account.
Upon checking your account, we see that you've an active subscription of AVG TuneUp, valid till Mar 7, 2020.
Deleting the account will terminate the subscription & you'll not be able to use. Please let us know if you'd still like to proceed with account deletion & the reason to delete.
Hej !
Can you delat my acount??
My AVG TuneUp subscription and AVG My account… both of them.
Hi Moustafa,
We're sorry to know that you've decided to delete AVG account.
Upon checking your account, we see that you've an active subscription of AVG TuneUp, valid till Mar 7, 2020.
Deleting the account will terminate the subscription & you'll not be able to use. Please let us know if you'd still like to proceed with account deletion & the reason to delete.
Alright, Moustafa. Would you be so kind to let us know whether you refer to account as the AVG TuneUp subscription or AVG My Account itself?
Yes …I wolud still like to procees with my account delation becuose i did not use it and i didchat with you last year to retern my mony but without answer and nu i dont wont to draw my mony and then i will do tha same last year.
Yes …I wolud still like to procees with my account delation becuose i did not use it and i didchat with you last year to retern my mony but without answer and nu i dont wont to draw my mony and then i will do tha same last year.
Thank you for the confirmation.
We have cancelled the auto renewal for the AVG TuneUp. So that you won't be charged further.
Regarding the account deletion, please visit the following web page https://www.avg.com/gdpr to submit a request related to personal data.
Thank you.