Device Connected But MyAVG always responds with - We are unable to connect to your device

Hi Angel,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern.

If AVG Account returns a No data about device available error when you try to send Anti-Theft commands to your mobile device, refer to the troubleshooting instructions in this article: Troubleshooting when AVG Account returns the No data about device available error in case of the Anti-Theft connection attempt

Device Connected But MyAVG always responds with - We  are unable to connect to your device.How can i resolve the issue ?

Hi Angel,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern.

If AVG Account returns a No data about device available error when you try to send Anti-Theft commands to your mobile device, refer to the troubleshooting instructions in this article: Troubleshooting when AVG Account returns the No data about device available error in case of the Anti-Theft connection attempt