Disabling Email Certification in AVG Free 2015

Auden, Open AVG user interface.
In the top menu click Options, and then click Advanced settings.
In the left tree under E-mail Protection -> Email Scanner click Certification.
Enable or disable the Certify e-mail option for incoming or outgoing e-mails.
Click OK to save the settings.
AVG Guru

Is there a way to disable the outgoing certification message in AVG Free 2015? Searches reveal that this was possible in 2012, but I don't see any online results for the current version.


Auden, Open AVG user interface.
In the top menu click Options, and then click Advanced settings.
In the left tree under E-mail Protection -> Email Scanner click Certification.
Enable or disable the Certify e-mail option for incoming or outgoing e-mails.
Click OK to save the settings.
AVG Guru