Error 0xe0010058

Dear AVG did U ever find a solution to this problem or should I start to download an antivirus solution from a competitor of yours?
I'm experiencing the same problem on a Windows 7 Home Premius x64 PC

User Stefano Stefano has posted their own topic (
AVG Guru

Windows 7 

I want to install AVG Anti Virus.

AVG Zen was installed.

I am unable to install AVG. Error code 0xe0010058.

There was a AVG installation on my PC wich is now deinstalled.

Thank you for the information.
We request you to try using our AVG remover tool and then install AVG free antivirus program.
1) To download AVG remover tool, please click on this link:
2) Run the downloaded file and follow the onscreen instructions.
3) Restart your PC when the restart option is displayed on the remover tool screen.
NOTE: Once you have logged into your PC after the restart, please go to C: drive and delete the "AVG REMOVER" folder manually.

To download the AVG free antivirus, please click on this link: .
Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.

The error remains. I have tried this 10 times now.

User-added image

Günter, sorry to know that you are still getting the error.
In this case, we request you to send us the AVG log files for which we have sent you the email instructions.
Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.

Windows 7 

I want to install AVG Anti Virus.

AVG Zen was installed.

Windows 7

I want to install AVG Anti Virus Free or Internet Security

AVG Zen and AVG 2015 was installed

Dear AVG did U ever find a solution to this problem or should I start to download an antivirus solution from a competitor of yours?
I'm experiencing the same problem on a Windows 7 Home Premius x64 PC

Hello Günter,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
May I know the operating system of your PC and mention the name of AVG program that you are trying to install?
Please let us know whether you are trying to install free, trial or paid version?