These have been brand new computers, AVG has not been installed on the system before and there are no traces of AVG on the system.
Hi, I ran that Analyser yesterday and send the information off to you. I've not heard anything back yet - Can you advise
Windows 10 (1607 - Anniversary Update)
I am now unable to install AVG Internet Security on any of my New Client Computers, due to the above error.
I have followed every possible Forum Help Guide, including the Access Rights Program and the Remover tool with no success.
We are sorry, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the failed installation. Kindly refer this article to remove the traces:
Then please remove AVG folders manually as suggested below. Go to Run window (press windows key and R key simultaneously) and type the following comments to delete the folders.
1. Type “Temp” and press enter, remove all the files.
2. “%temp%” and remove all the files.
3. %appdata% - Remove all the AVG folders.
4. %programdata% - Open the AVG folder and remove the old files.
Please go to c: drive-> program files and delete the AVG files and download your AVG program from our official site:
Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.
Hello Simon,
We are sorry to know that. In this case, we have emailed you a link to get collect error logs from your computer. Please follow the same and once you submit the error logs, this will be analysed by the senior team and they will contact you through email.
Thank you
Simon, As stated you will be emailed by the senior team when the analysis is completed. Please remain patient.
AVG Guru
Hi, I ran that Analyser yesterday and send the information off to you. I've not heard anything back yet - Can you advise
I have already removed ALL traces of AVG including your list above. I have tried several times…