ERROR CODE: 0xC0070643

Raj, All other anti-virus is uninstalled and/or deactivated (McAfee Uninstalled, Windows Defender deactivated). It's the AVG Anti-virus,the one I had to pay for. Yes it's the first time installing AVG.

I'm getting the same error. How can I get in on this?
Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished

Hello Daniel,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
This is the known issue and only our additional support can fix this issue.
We have sent you an email with instructions to be followed to get our additional support.
Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.

So when I install AVG Protection and download protection it gives me this Error Code 0xC0070643 Description: Event exec_finished when it raches like the end of the download, I've tried avg remover and installed it againi but it wont work. Can you help me?

Hello Charles,

If you are getting this 0xC0070643 Description: Event exec finished" error while installing AVG, then please get our additional support to fix this issue.
We have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support.
Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.

Hello Leigh,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Our phone support numbers are United States: +1 925 732 4274, Great Britain: +44 116 366 8542, Australia: +61 2 8103 4937
NOTE: Calls from outside the US, UK or AU may be subject to international charges from your telephone provider. I have also just sent you an email with the instructions to get connected with AVG Technical Support team. Please follow the email instructions to get further assistance to resolve the issue.
Thank you.

Hi Charles ,
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Please let us know whether  you have any other Anti virus program in your computer other than AVG ?
Are you trying to install AVG program in your computer for the first time ?
Also let us know which AVG program are you trying to install .
Thank you

Raj, All other anti-virus is uninstalled and/or deactivated (McAfee Uninstalled, Windows Defender deactivated). It's the AVG Anti-virus,the one I had to pay for. Yes it's the first time installing AVG.

I am having the same issue; error code: 0xC0070643. It is a new laptop and I uninstalled Mcafee. It loads to 86% then says that Installation Failed. I even purchased a new license, which I would like returned if this issue is something on AVG's end. I have another computer with a license already that I would like on this computer. I did call tech support and left a message with my name, number and the problem and they never returned my call. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!