Firewall blocks video casting/ Screen Mirrioring

Hello Mir,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with AVG Firewall. In this case, I request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private) at first, please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if you can access video casting with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,
I am paid user f AVG from last 2 years but i am having serious issue while using AVG. when my AVG is on i cant able to do screen mirroring to my Samsung tv if i turn off the AVG firewall than only i am able to do screen mirrioring. please give me a permanent solution so i can run screen mirroring while AVG is turned on.
Hello Mir,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with AVG Firewall. In this case, I request you to change AVG Firewall network profile to private (open AVG Internet Security > menu > settings > components > firewall > customize > network profile > change all the network public to private) at first, please go to Firewall customize settings again > scroll down > click on system rules > enable all the system rules if it's not configured, please click OK and check if you can access video casting with enabled AVG Internet Security.
Best regards,