We apologize for the difficulties, not to worry, we will do our best to resolve the issue. In this case, we request you to uninstall and reinstall latest version of AVG.
Refer this article to uninstall http://avgclick.me/UninstallAVGAV your AVG program.
Kindly download your AVG remover and run it, then go to C: drive -> AVG Remover -> Bin -> pctremover.exe and avgfmwremover.exe (do not restart your device if prompted), then run avgremover.exe (it will automatically reboot your device).
Then please remove AVG folders manually as suggested below. Go to Run window (press windows key and R key simultaneously) and type the following comments to delete the folders.
avg is installed on laptop but not the firewall element! tried ti install but came up error 0x c0070781
We apologize for the difficulties, not to worry, we will do our best to resolve the issue. In this case, we request you to uninstall and reinstall latest version of AVG.
Refer this article to uninstall http://avgclick.me/UninstallAVGAV your AVG program.
Kindly download your AVG remover and run it, then go to C: drive -> AVG Remover -> Bin -> pctremover.exe and avgfmwremover.exe (do not restart your device if prompted), then run avgremover.exe (it will automatically reboot your device).
Then please remove AVG folders manually as suggested below. Go to Run window (press windows key and R key simultaneously) and type the following comments to delete the folders.