Firewall turning itself off

Hello Emma,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Is there anyother Antivirus program with firewall component installed on your system? If so, please uninstall it. I like to inform you that it is not recommended to install two Antivirus program on same system.
Thank you.

Hi, the last few weeks my firewall keeps turning itself off. Any ideas?

@ Inger Olsson
Inger, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
I would only have FREE Antivirus. Without AVG browser. My Internet Explorer, I want it back unchanged for the work much faster. Have no joy of AVG's webbkäsare.
Please change this quickly, do not wait for 30 days !!! I do not work with the English language so I can switch to another antivirus.

In future please don't hijack another users topic. Please start your own toplc!!.
AVG Guru

We certainly understand your concern.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
As we understand you want to uninstall AVG Web tune up from your system, is that right? If so, please refer the article  to uninstall it from your Internet Explorer.
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Emma,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Is there anyother Antivirus program with firewall component installed on your system? If so, please uninstall it. I like to inform you that it is not recommended to install two Antivirus program on same system.
Thank you.
Hello Inger,
We apologize for not replying in your language. The support is only in English. If you are comfortable with English, We  are glad to assist you with the same.
Thank you.

Jag vill endast ha FREE Antivirus.   Utan AVG-Webbläsaren. Min Internet Explorer vill jag ha tillbaka ändrad för den fungerade mycket snabbare. Har ingen glädje av AVG:s webbkäsare.

Vänligen ändra detta snabbt, vill ej vänta i 30 dagar!!!    Jag fungerar ej med engelska språket så jag får byta till annat antivirus.  

Inger Olsson,Ystad Sweden.

Idont will have your  AVG webbläsare = Give me my internet Explorer 11 to go on again!
I only wood like to have the FREE AVG Antivirus I do not keep whole version!   
If you don´t  go my like for antiviruses … take it back from my computer at once … (and I can take another antiviruses from Sweden … for it´s good for me with FREE antiviruses)!!!
Inger Olsson

You see perhaps that I will take the free mounth away ... I don´t like your whole fullprogram!
I only will have FREE just now ... will not have free 30 days prov ...I do NOT pay for my free AVG antivirus.  I do not ever have your WEBB-reader!  I wont to have BACK my Internet Exprorer Webbreader!!
NOW or tomorrow you can give my wishes I have tell you!
Inger Olsson
there is no other security software on here and windows defender is also off