A Tenwiser, AVG do understand your concern and request you to submit your valuable feedback through this link (http://www.avg.com/product-feedback), so that team concerned will look into that and try to implement in future. Feel free to contact AVG for further assistance. Thank you.
AVG Guru
Hi, could you change the textual message content slightly for
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG
Instead of using three dashes followed by the CR, could you make that two dashes, a space then CR?
Your chosen format is unfortunately viewed as bad netiquette on mailing lists and usenet (for the remains of that), and many users have to resort to turning the whole advertising message system off or suffer accusations of being signature spammers, as it hopelessly propagates onwards in thread replies. Thanks!
A Tenwiser, AVG do understand your concern and request you to submit your valuable feedback through this link (http://www.avg.com/product-feedback), so that team concerned will look into that and try to implement in future. Feel free to contact AVG for further assistance. Thank you.
AVG Guru
AVG Guru