Alan/Avinash: Thank you for the quick reply. I did the sample submit yesterday(in category False Alarm on a file category) & waiting for AVG team to respond. As Avinash said, I've requested for whitelising our code signing certificate as well(just now). Hope everything will be back to normal within no time.
Thank you guys for helping us.
Vipin, Have a look @ this AVG webpage (
AVG Guru
We are rolling out a new product to our clients by next month & unfortunately we've found AVG is blocking us from autoupdating the application. You guys have already dealt with a similar issue with Firefox. Details are available @ . Can you please resolve / help us to resolve this ASAP. We really don't want to freak out our customers who really love AVG!
How autoupdate works in our case:
We download the new application files to a fresh and clean directory named 'Workflow.New' and then replaces existing application binaries with the newly downloaded files. But the new executable downloaded is detected as a threat by AVG(by the General Behavioral Detection).
Virus Total Report on the exe:
Thank You.
Thank you for uploading the sample. Please note that we do not answer back with results as the files are being checked automatically. This is also mentioned on our sample submit page too . Appreciate your patience.
Alan/Avinash: Thank you for the quick reply. I did the sample submit yesterday(in category False Alarm on a file category) & waiting for AVG team to respond. As Avinash said, I've requested for whitelising our code signing certificate as well(just now). Hope everything will be back to normal within no time.
Thank you guys for helping us.
You are most welcome, Vipin. Feel free to contact us for further query regarding AVG.
Thank you