
Hello Karlhenrik,

I will assist you further with the refund.

The program you have been charged is AVG Secure VPN. This program will hide your IP address when you browse online and it is not an AntiVirus program. However, this protects your privacy when you go online.

Do you wish to get refund for this AVG program?

I want those money back because I
do nat have this Virus program anymore and they Will have to
get back to my accont number

Hello Karlhenrik,

I will assist you further with the refund.

The program you have been charged is AVG Secure VPN. This program will hide your IP address when you browse online and it is not an AntiVirus program. However, this protects your privacy when you go online.

Do you wish to get refund for this AVG program?

Other user Karlhenrik Thøstesen posting (
Karlhenrik, Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. 
AVG Guru