Having trouble on one of my 3 computers I have bought AVG internet security for

Hello Rachelle, thanks for replying back. Can you check in your control panel in list of programs whether AVG program is already got installed?

Hi Avinash, thank you so much for your reply. No there is no error message. After clicking on run in goes through a few seconds of loading/running counting up to 100% then dissappear off the screen and nothing happens. No error no anything. But can carry on using computer as nothing had  changed.

Hi I have downloaded internet security 2015 successfully on two of my computers but my third one wont go further than run…  Help!

Hello Rachelle, thanks for replying back. Can you check in your control panel in list of programs whether AVG program is already got installed?
Hello Rachelle. Are you receiving any error message when you try to install AVG? Could you please share the error code and error message you receive so that we can assist you better? Thank you.

Hi Avinash, thank you so much for your reply. No there is no error message. After clicking on run in goes through a few seconds of loading/running counting up to 100% then dissappear off the screen and nothing happens. No error no anything. But can carry on using computer as nothing had  changed.