Hello Gary,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced.
First, we'd like to clarify that it's possible to check the status of your subscriptions from your AVG My Account website. You could've checked the status of your subscriptions from your AVG My Account website before proceeding to purchase multiple duplicate subscriptions of AVG Secure VPN.
Furthermore, we'd like to clarify that we do provide 24/7 support in the form of call, live chat, email, social media and community.
If you want us to straighten your subscriptions/account and help make sure that all your AVG programs are installed & activated on your device(s), we'd recommend that you use the below toll-free numbers to contact our customer care over the phone:
- USA & CA: +1 925 732 4274
- AU & NZ: +61 281 034 937
- UK: +44 1163 668 542
Alternatively, we'd be more than happy to help you over this community post.
Please write back to us over here if you need further assistance.
We'd be happy to help you.
I have a real problem with AVG customer assist software or what ever. I have tried for years to get my account straightened out. I have things ordered and downloaded but never activated. I'm not sure if things are working as purchased and billed. VPN has never worked. I now have *3* copies of VPN and only one can be used. Why did you not tell me I already had a functioning and active copy of VPN instead of having me down load yet another and then another. How do I get my money back on those two duplicates? Why can't I have you look at my account and tell me what things are not activated or whatever problem that may be there and help me fix it. Why cant I call and have you pull up my account and talk to me about what is needed and help me fix it? I do not know what I have or even if what I have is actually activated and working?
Gary 75 and 2 years into my dementia, My wife died of that last year after a 4 years struggle. Im clearly poorly capable of troubleshooting AVG installation problems. (thanks son)
Hello Gary,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced.
First, we'd like to clarify that it's possible to check the status of your subscriptions from your AVG My Account website. You could've checked the status of your subscriptions from your AVG My Account website before proceeding to purchase multiple duplicate subscriptions of AVG Secure VPN.
Furthermore, we'd like to clarify that we do provide 24/7 support in the form of call, live chat, email, social media and community.
If you want us to straighten your subscriptions/account and help make sure that all your AVG programs are installed & activated on your device(s), we'd recommend that you use the below toll-free numbers to contact our customer care over the phone:
- USA & CA: +1 925 732 4274
- AU & NZ: +61 281 034 937
- UK: +44 1163 668 542
Alternatively, we'd be more than happy to help you over this community post.
Please write back to us over here if you need further assistance.
We'd be happy to help you.