HELP,HELP I purchased Ultimate/Zen but 1yr later I cant install or find registration number!

Jon, To download & install AVG Ultimate have a look @ this article ( The activation of AVG Ultimate isn't tied in to a product key or license number. It's associated with the email address that you used to purchase the product from AVG. Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru

I purchased AVG Ultimate for 2yrs but have never really understood the AVG system. I thought I resolved it only to find out I had done everything on a Beta Account! I have the invoice number but cannot get the product number because the system takes me to my Beta Accont where you cant get the product registration number! I paid a lot of money and sent more than 10 E Mails via AVG Memom System and to AVG directly asking for help, but I never get a reply!! The AVG system is great when it works but the back-up/customer service is hopeless.  I have the invoice number, order number but not the product number as it will not display the page when I go into the Zen part of it!  Ive had this product since June 2014 but have never been able to have it fully working & AVG will not respond. Unfortunately, I have during this time been in and out of hospitals with a serious illness so some fault is with me, but why on earth do AVG not have anyone to speak with to resolve issues like this? Do I cancel my Beta Account & try again or what? Jon

Jon, To download & install AVG Ultimate have a look @ this article ( The activation of AVG Ultimate isn't tied in to a product key or license number. It's associated with the email address that you used to purchase the product from AVG. Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru