How can i unsubscribe

Hello Brian,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. I see that you have already cancelled the auto renewal of your AVG Antivirus program and AVG Internet Security - Unlimited (1 year subscription). Hence the license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires. I will also take your feedback regarding cancelling the subscription and escalate it to concerned department.
Thank you.

Maybe it's just me, but the account website is a train wreck.  I'm trying to unsubcribe everything, AVG.  It was a mistake to purchase the product as it's essentially a never ending stream of upselling.   None of the steps on are actually executable.  The E-mail doesn't link directly to a subscription page, When I login to my avg account a) not all my services are listed, and b) the one that is doesn't have the drop down arrow (or anything resembling such) as described in the above page.  When I click on the one service that does show, it takes me to the non-logged in 'buy/try me' page .  

Hello Brian,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. I see that you have already cancelled the auto renewal of your AVG Antivirus program and AVG Internet Security - Unlimited (1 year subscription). Hence the license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires. I will also take your feedback regarding cancelling the subscription and escalate it to concerned department.
Thank you.