I Can not deblock my apps

Hello Axel. Is it an android device you are using? Please have a look at this article http://avgclick.me/LockedPhone
I would also recommend you to contact our mobile product support for further assistance. Please visit this webpage and select your AVG product.

Then click on "Technical support" and fill in your personal details, AVG product and issue details to submit your query.

Once you submit your query, our dedicated mobile support team will contact you back with a resolute solution via email.

Hello y forgot my password,and y Can not deblock my apps.can you sent THE new password to axelvnsm@ gmail.com?thank you very much greets AxelAxel

Hello Axel. Is it an android device you are using? Please have a look at this article http://avgclick.me/LockedPhone
I would also recommend you to contact our mobile product support for further assistance. Please visit this webpage and select your AVG product.

Then click on "Technical support" and fill in your personal details, AVG product and issue details to submit your query.

Once you submit your query, our dedicated mobile support team will contact you back with a resolute solution via email.