Hello Manuel,
We are sorry to know that you are unable to reset the AVG MyAccount password. We have emailed you the link to reset the password. Please check your email and click on the password reset link from AVG to reset your password.
Thank you.
I was very happy until... I renewal my suscription and now I have AVG Zen. Something strange happens but I can not reset MyAccount password. I call to AVG Support and they said me that my computer have a lot of problems (yes, they was connected to it by Web) and then tried to sell me a support suscription!!!! I said them, no no no, I tried in another computer. I don´t need to spend money to reset my password. I tried to reset it in another computer with the same result... i can not do it!!!! ????? What can I do? This is another account and my account than billed me is about manuel@geos.com.mx
Hello Manuel,
We are sorry to know that you are unable to reset the AVG MyAccount password. We have emailed you the link to reset the password. Please check your email and click on the password reset link from AVG to reset your password.
Thank you.
We are sorry to know that you are unable to reset the AVG MyAccount password. We have emailed you the link to reset the password. Please check your email and click on the password reset link from AVG to reset your password.
Thank you.