I can't find my phone

Hello Kassandra,
Please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and choose Yes for the Question "Are you currently using any paid/trial AVG products?" inspite of using the Free version and fill out necessary details and click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email as soon as possible.
Thank you.

Sorry for my english, but the probles in this: I use this page for to locate my phone and I upgraded to the latest version, but when I go to the web site, this say me: 
"No registered devices

Register your device in service from the AVG Anti AntiVirus application."

And I have this application in my phone and my phone say me:
"You are protected in case of theft or loss"

So, I don't understand… I can use the web site for to locate my phone and today I needed but thaks to God I found it, but if I had not found I had lost my phone.

I want to know, what I need for use the web site and located my phone, Is there a problem for the mobile device? Is there a problem with the app? Or what is the problem and solution?

According to App, the service is free, but I can't locate it. 

I need to install again the AVG in my computer for that? Is it not enough the web site?

Please answerme, you have my Gmail, sorry if I listen bad, but I only want the answer fot my cuestions, because I trust in You and Yes, I don give you money, but I trust in you like a Company.

Really, sorry for my english, I know that I'm bad, but I hope that you can understad my "english" and all that I tried to say you.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate your earliest response.

Hello Kassandra,
Please click on the following link http://bit.ly/1EC8H4H and choose Yes for the Question "Are you currently using any paid/trial AVG products?" inspite of using the Free version and fill out necessary details and click on Email option. Our AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email as soon as possible.
Thank you.