Hello Anne,
We realize that you don't wish to renew your AVG TuneUp Unlimited subscription.
Checking our records, we found that the charges are not received on our end and the order is still in 'Pending' status. We request you to wait for 5 more business days. Once the charges are received, we will be able to cancel and process a refund for you.
Else, we request you to contact Paypal and inquire about this charge cancellation.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!
Here's the information I got:
Informasjon om abonnementet:
Opprinnelig ordre-ID: *****9210
Kunde-ID: ****504
Ordredato: 15. mars 2019
Produktnavn Påmeldingsdato Utløpsdato Beløp
AVG TuneUp (gratis prøve 03/15/2019 05/15/2019 329 kr
I hope you can stop this for me.
Best regards
Anne-Mette Vibo
You are most welcome, Anne-Mette.
Yes. The charge NOK329.00 was debited for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited Devices (1 Year) subscription.
Since auto renewal service was enabled for its 60 day trial, this charge was debited.
As per your request, we have initiated the refund for this charge and an email has been sent explaining its status.
Thank you.
Hello Anne,
We realize that you don't wish to renew your AVG TuneUp Unlimited subscription.
Checking our records, we found that the charges are not received on our end and the order is still in 'Pending' status. We request you to wait for 5 more business days. Once the charges are received, we will be able to cancel and process a refund for you.
Else, we request you to contact Paypal and inquire about this charge cancellation.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!
Thank you for your reply
I got the receipt today:
Digital River Ireland Ltd
+352 9522531234Melding til forhandler
Du har ikke oppgitt noen melding.
DRI*AVG Technologies
329,00 NOK1329,00 NOK
Delsum329,00 NOK
Totalt329,00 NOK
Betaling329,00 NOK
I hope this will make it possible to cancel and refund.
Best regards
Anne-Mette Vibo