May I know if you are experiencing this issue on all web browsers or on a single web browser? If you have not tested it, please do and let us know. Do you receive any error message upon visiting the web pages? If yes, please provide us with a screenshot ( ) of it. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Thank you for your info.
I checked for conflicting applications and none on my laptop.
I went through uninstallling and reinstalling AVG Anti Virus Free and still had the same problem.
While I had these problems we were at a resort and on their wifi. So my husband asked me to use my hot-spot on my phone for the wifi and with that I had no problems.
I am back and using a wifi that I had used before and no problems so far. But know I am still wondering why this happened and if it will happen again since we travel frequently.
Thanks again!
I am using the AVG Antivirus free and am running Windows 10 Home. I need to keep the Web Shield off to get to most webpages. I can get to Google pages and a few others. I couldn't get to this page with it on.
I had Avast Antivirus free before this and it did the same thing. Is there a setting or something I need to change? My computer did do a window update recently.
Avinash & Akash
Thank you for your info.
I checked for conflicting applications and none on my laptop.
I went through uninstallling and reinstalling AVG Anti Virus Free and still had the same problem.
While I had these problems we were at a resort and on their wifi. So my husband asked me to use my hot-spot on my phone for the wifi and with that I had no problems.
I am back and using a wifi that I had used before and no problems so far. But know I am still wondering why this happened and if it will happen again since we travel frequently.
Thanks again!
Thank you Avinash for your reply!
It is happening on both Chrome and Miscrosoft Edge. On Edge the webpage that doesn't come in just sits there and nothing happens. On Chrome I get the message in the screenshot.
I am happy to hear that you are able to access the web pages now after changing the network.
Please continue to use your computer as usual. If you face any difficulties, please let us know.
We will escalate your case to the senior team to analyse further on this issue.
Hello, Karen.
May I know if you are experiencing this issue on all web browsers or on a single web browser? If you have not tested it, please do and let us know. Do you receive any error message upon visiting the web pages? If yes, please provide us with a screenshot ( ) of it. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for the screenshots.
To resolve the issue please follow the steps provided in this article: How to troubleshoot issues after upgrade to the latest AVG antivirus product
Note: Please run the AVG Clear first and then the AVG Remover
Once uninstalled, please reinstall the AVG Anti Virus Free: Download AVG AntiVirus Free
I also request you to remove any conflicting application like the ones provided in this article: Applications in conflict with AVG