I paid 52.49 for a new edition and 19,99 for install-You billed-haven't heard from you

Hello Joe,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
From your account details, it seems that you have active subscription for AVG Tune Up - Unlimited that will be expired on 4/2/2017.
Could you please provide your order number or license code to check your renewed subscription?
Thank you.

I paid 52.49 for a new edition and haven't heard from you. Also on 15 Mar paid 19.99 for install.  Where is my software and assistance. Refund,provide what you sold, or I will cancel the visa charge for failure to provide Items that I paid for.

Hello Joe,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
From your account details, it seems that you have active subscription for AVG Tune Up - Unlimited that will be expired on 4/2/2017.
Could you please provide your order number or license code to check your renewed subscription?
Thank you.