I want to cancel-how?

I just now  canceled by clicking support and then accessing chat. They took care of my cancelation AND are arranging for renewal refund with PayPal. The first time I did this they sent me to a bunch of forms. Tonight they just looked at my account and took care of business! Believe me, this has not been easy- has taken 3 evenings!! Best wishes, ds
either the on line chat or the comtact phone seems pretty zombie or DEAD to me.
unavaliable to reach.
I want to cancel my subscription. but the system only send me the same useless info....
even worst--->I CANT find "cancel" related button via my AVG account.
 the online chat is always loading; the call number is not avaliavle ; the cancel related button does not exist....thats more serious than just "unfriendly" 

I want to cancel the contract to order number 38-3791047

Noreen, Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/AVGRefundPolicy).
AVG Guru

I want to cancel my subscription completely-this program is far from user friendly my order number 38-3530583  should be cancelled and my credit card refunded if this renewal has already happened. I can't find a clear path or phone number to  do this simple proceedure-SAD

I want to cancel the contract to order number 38-3791047
either the on line chat or the comtact phone seems pretty zombie or DEAD to me.
unavaliable to reach.
I want to cancel my subscription. but the system only send me the same useless info....
even worst--->I CANT find "cancel" related button via my AVG account.
 the online chat is always loading; the call number is not avaliavle ; the cancel related button does not exist....thats more serious than just "unfriendly" 

I want eo cancel my AVG and get my money back from the Product AVG Security license no. imi4m-QGZG7-6jQQP-AHFD7-W42HA-2MN9C  and tuneup license no. TMOTA-3jPO2-WW6ZZ-Q9BWL-DM7S3

I just now  canceled by clicking support and then accessing chat. They took care of my cancelation AND are arranging for renewal refund with PayPal. The first time I did this they sent me to a bunch of forms. Tonight they just looked at my account and took care of business! Believe me, this has not been easy- has taken 3 evenings!! Best wishes, ds

I want eo cancel my AVG and get my money back from the Product AVG Security license no. imi4m-QGZG7-6jQQP-AHFD7-W42HA-2MN9C  and tuneup license no. TMOTA-3jPO2-WW6ZZ-Q9BWL-DM7S3

Noreen, Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/AVGRefundPolicy).
AVG Guru