Hello Helmut.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.
We'd be glad to help manage your active subscriptions and transfer them under one email address.
You do not have any active subscription under the email address you used to contact us here.
I have sent an email requesting more details to locate your account details and assist you further.
Regarding AVG product sold by 3rd parties, they are authorized resellers who will run their own campaigns and offers which are not controlled by AVG.
So if you come across a good deal from a reseller, you are welcome to avail it.
Appreciate your understanding.
1.) Ich bin bei AVG unter verschiedenen Mail-Richtlinien gelistet, gehört meine Abos auf eine davon wird!
2.) Wie kommt es, daß Ihre Produkte von anderen Firmen (Engelmann …) auch und dazu noch weit billig angeboten werden?
Beste Grüße, Helmut Herold
Hello Helmut.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.
We'd be glad to help manage your active subscriptions and transfer them under one email address.
You do not have any active subscription under the email address you used to contact us here.
I have sent an email requesting more details to locate your account details and assist you further.
Regarding AVG product sold by 3rd parties, they are authorized resellers who will run their own campaigns and offers which are not controlled by AVG.
So if you come across a good deal from a reseller, you are welcome to avail it.
Appreciate your understanding.