Identity protection - AVG antivirus free

Hi Graeme,
We apologize for the inconvenience
We understand that the Identity protection is not active in the AVG program. To fix this issue, we suggest to repair AVG from control panel. Please follow the below steps to repair AVG program
Feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

Following downloading the latest update, I find that my "identity" is no longer protected, and despite several attempts to fix the issue it remains unprotected - even though its switched on. How can I resolve this problem?

Does not work. ANy other suggestions?

User ivor gerber has posted their own topic (
AVG Guru

Hi Graeme,
We apologize for the inconvenience
We understand that the Identity protection is not active in the AVG program. To fix this issue, we suggest to repair AVG from control panel. Please follow the below steps to repair AVG program
Feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.