IMAP Operation blocked in Thunderbird


Today again, AVG blocks all my SMTP and IMAP access.
I will plan a reinstallation, but it is painful.

May I know the root cause and have a long term solution ?


Hi Vincent,

This isn't the usual behavior of AVG program.
Initially, please clarify the reason that made you to think that AVG is causing the issue.
Did you receive any message from AVG? If so, share us the screenshot of it for better clarity.

Currently AVG (21.1.3164 (version 21.1.5968.643)) blocks all IMAP operation initiated by Thunderbird (78.8.1 (64 bits)):
  • IMAP Folder creation
  • Move of Mails between folders
Is it a known regression ?
Or wrong customisation ?


Today again, AVG blocks all my SMTP and IMAP access.
I will plan a reinstallation, but it is painful.

May I know the root cause and have a long term solution ?


Are you using AVG Antivirus Free? If yes, kindly uninstall the application and reinstall it.

We're glad to investiage on this & help you.
Please clarify whether 21.1 version is installed on your computer or it has updated to 21.2.

Simply because expected behaviour of Thunderbird works as soon as I disable "Analyse les e-mails entrants (POP3,IMAP4)"
User-added image

It has been updated to 21.2.3170 (version 21.2.6096.648).

Note that in the end afternoon, after a restart of Thunderbird, SMTP and IMAP were no more blocked.
Thunderbird Version is 78.9.0 (64 bits). 


We're glad to hear that, Vincent. 
If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to let us know.
Hi Vincent,

This isn't the usual behavior of AVG program.
Initially, please clarify the reason that made you to think that AVG is causing the issue.
Did you receive any message from AVG? If so, share us the screenshot of it for better clarity.