Hello Mihail,
We will check and help you to resolve it. Please provide the following information to analyze the issue. The support available here is in English currently. You can use Translator for translation purpose.
Please confirm the operating system installed on your device. You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.
Добрый день.
У меня было подозрение на наличие трояна на смартфоне, крадущего доступ к банковскому приложению. Поставил вашу программу, бесплатную версию. Она обнаружила одну угрозу и ее самоустранила. Как узнать что за угроза была устранена?
Мне нужно понимать, справился ли Ваш антивирус, или надо устанавливать другой.
Hi Stephanie,
We're glad to help you.
Please write back to us in your own post to proceed further.
Thank you in advance!
Phone get a virus.
Dont know how, but my Bank application sent an sms, that i logined when i not logining.
Hello Mihail,
We will check and help you to resolve it. Please provide the following information to analyze the issue. The support available here is in English currently. You can use Translator for translation purpose.
Please confirm the operating system installed on your device. You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.
Hi Mihail,
We're glad to help pointing you in the right direction. We do have a specialized team who deals with mobile queries.
In this regard, we'd suggest you to raise a request to them via this link.
Note : You may need to choose 'yes' for the 1st question that is in the above link to request answer via email.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!