Internet security

Hello Wirn,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
This error generally occurs when one of the microsoft update is missing in your computer, which is essential for the AVG program to work. This problem is caused by Visual C++ Redistributables. It is either missing or corrupted.
It is necessary to reinstall MSVC package from the website: Please install the package and see if that fix this issue.
Thank you.

i have a problem too intall the pay versie van avg my computer said MSVCP 110dll is nog in te computer. i have write too you collega but he said i must contact too you my carenumer is 03686034 
i have problem when i get the updatw too windows 10 the last versie. but not windows 10 but only the last versie from windows ten. i can not install the pay versie van avg andi have payed avg internet security.please help

Hello Wirn,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
This error generally occurs when one of the microsoft update is missing in your computer, which is essential for the AVG program to work. This problem is caused by Visual C++ Redistributables. It is either missing or corrupted.
It is necessary to reinstall MSVC package from the website: Please install the package and see if that fix this issue.
Thank you.