Is SIW.EXE a virus?

Hello, Tony. Please follow the link to report the issue : .Please feel free to contact us if you are facing any issue with AVG. Thank you.

I am considering using the System Information for Windows (SIW.EXE) tool for troubleshooting. AVG reports it as a virus and immediately places it in the virus vault. The developer of this tool is known and the tool is available commercially on the web. The developer is defending the tool and is stating that it is mistakingly listed on some virus databases. Can anyone confirm the status of this tool or share their experience with it from that aspect? I have listed the link below where the developer is stating that it is not a virus:

SIW - McAfee False Positive

Hello, Tony. Please follow the link to report the issue : .Please feel free to contact us if you are facing any issue with AVG. Thank you.