Hello Ed,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please check if the AVG program is up to date and all the virus definitions are current. If not please update the AVG program and check if that fix the issue. To assist you better, could you please let us know if you have installed AVG free or paid version of AVG?
Thank you
All of a sudden AVG is finding malware in a program I've been using for years.
I tried an update; it found malware in that.
After a run of trouble I went right back to the original disk; installed that. And then AVG made war on that; lots of viruses.
Something doesn't add up here. What has gone wrong?
Hello Ed,
Thank you for the confirmation. Please try to add the programs to the exception list using the instructions on the article http://avgclick.me/AddException
and submit the file for analysis using the link : http://www.avg.com/false-detection so that our developers can analyze the issue and fix the issues with upcoming updates.
Thank you.
The files have been uploaded. Plus a screen-shot of the virus-vault, plus a note about events.
Here's the s-s again.
Hello Ed,
Thank you for your co-operation. Once you submit the files, we will analyze the same and if it is found genuine we will add them to AVG white-list.
Thank you.
Hello Ed,
Thank you for the screenshot, your files that were uploaded will be analysed and the result will be published soon.
Thank you.
Yes. I updated as soon as I got the first warning. And then several times during my attempts to get to the heart of the problem.
It is the free version of AVG.