Me cobran la suscripción automática pero deseo cancelarla

Edwin, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Spanish to English]
I am automatically charged but I want to cancel it.
Good morning to all.
I followed the instructions to cancel the account from Myaccount, but the AVG8 version does not appear among my subscriptions. Indicating that my version was downgraded to AVG Internet Security Free by expired subscription. Now on December 17th, I receive the renewal fee on my credit card. This should be done from the beginning of November, not until now.
It is very strange and I would like to cancel this subscription, but AVG contacts only give telephone support.
Can anyone advise me how to cancel this by mail or through this chat?
Thank you.
AVG Guru

Buenos días a todos.

Seguí las instrucciones para cancelar la cuenta desde Myaccount, pero la versión de AVG8 no aparece entre mis suscripciones.  lo que indica es que mi version fue degradada a AVG Internet Security Free por subscripcion vencida.  Ahora el 17 de diciembre, recibo el cobro  de la renovacion en mi tarjeta de credito.  Esta debio hacerse desde principios de noviembre, no hasta ahora.

Es muy extraño y quisiera cancelar esta suscripcion, pero en contactos de AVG solo dan soporte telefónico.

Alguno me puede aconsejar como cancelar esto por correo o a traves de este chat?


J. Vega.

Edwin, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
[Spanish to English]
I am automatically charged but I want to cancel it.
Good morning to all.
I followed the instructions to cancel the account from Myaccount, but the AVG8 version does not appear among my subscriptions. Indicating that my version was downgraded to AVG Internet Security Free by expired subscription. Now on December 17th, I receive the renewal fee on my credit card. This should be done from the beginning of November, not until now.
It is very strange and I would like to cancel this subscription, but AVG contacts only give telephone support.
Can anyone advise me how to cancel this by mail or through this chat?
Thank you.
AVG Guru