Money taken from my account again unauthorised

Hello Alison,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am glad your issue has been resolved by our team. If you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

My recent emails highlight the problem, read below,  thanks  Alison

Hi again AVG team,


I was hoping by now to have some kind of answer or at least an acknowledgement you have my email and are working to resolve the problem of 84.99 GB pounds having been taken from my bank account on Sat 24th August 2024 without any authorisation. The money actually left my account on the 27th Aug as it was just pending over the weekend.

I went on to your website to see if I could get help there but nothing obvious for me. I did find I could still get into my account even though I had asked for all to be cleared previously at the beginning of this year as you had taken money then too without my authorising it. It does say on the account I have no subscriptions so why would you take more money?

Anyway I can't afford an extra 84.99 going out my account for nothing! I am sure you would feel the same too.


Please can someone there help to refund my money or pass it on to someone who can.


many thanks for some assistance,  Alison Boyle

-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 August, 2024 18:12
To: "AVG" <>
Subject: RE: AVG Technologies - Subscription Renewal

Dear AVG Support team,


I really do not know what is going on as I thought I was totally unsubscribed from all AVG but today you have taken another 84.99 GB pound from my bank account with no renewal notification or anything.

This is just another old email I am using to get your email address etc.


Please check out what is going on and please unsubscribe me from all AVG accounts. Most importantly please refund my 84.99 pounds which I cannot afford to have just leaving my account without authorisation.


Thank you in anticipation of a speedy resolution, Alison Boyle



Hello Alison,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am glad your issue has been resolved by our team. If you need anything else at all, feel free to message me at any time. I’d be happy to help.

Looking forward to hearing from you.