Hello Vasilis,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and empathize with your frustration.I acknowledge that you are dissatisfied with your new AVG TuneUp user interace. We have escalated your feedback to our senior team. They will defintely check your feedback and get back to you via email at the earliest. Please make a note of this new case number -21482081
Meanwhile your patience and cooperation is very much appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding.
I love your program as "program"But the new interface?The new interface i find it very bad cause now you separate the "junk" section to 5 different sections for no reason at all just to say that you did an update.Also instead to clean at once all that i select i need now to do it 5 times instead of 1.It is a huge waste of time.Please dont make updates just to say that you do something about us since you make it worst, you waste our time and make it more complicate it.The last interface was the best ever why you ruin it?At least if you want to make new interface give us the option to keep the older one for us that we want it.Please undo the bad job that you have done.
Hello Vasilis,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and empathize with your frustration.I acknowledge that you are dissatisfied with your new AVG TuneUp user interace. We have escalated your feedback to our senior team. They will defintely check your feedback and get back to you via email at the earliest. Please make a note of this new case number -21482081
Meanwhile your patience and cooperation is very much appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding.