Hello Pam,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. We'd request you to run virus scan manually and check if the issue persist. Also, when the schedule or manual scan is in progress, you will see which file is being scanned at the moment. Do you notice any change in that files though the scan is at 0%? If so, the scan process is running but it is slow. And, in the latest version, Reports is not available. When you run a scan, you will be presented with the results at the end and ask you to take necessary action. If you remove any threats, you can go and check them again in quarantine folder. Or if the scan is clean, you will be notified in the interface itself.
I scheduled scanning for 1pm and it starts but shows no progress just stays at 0 percent? This new version is not user friendly and now scheduled scanning doesn't work.
Also where can you find reports it is no longer there?
Hello Pam,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. We'd request you to run virus scan manually and check if the issue persist. Also, when the schedule or manual scan is in progress, you will see which file is being scanned at the moment. Do you notice any change in that files though the scan is at 0%? If so, the scan process is running but it is slow. And, in the latest version, Reports is not available. When you run a scan, you will be presented with the results at the end and ask you to take necessary action. If you remove any threats, you can go and check them again in quarantine folder. Or if the scan is clean, you will be notified in the interface itself.
Hello Pam,
I'm sorry but we do not have option to install AVG previous version (go back to the previous version). Please let us know which are the AVG programs (control panel > program and features) you have installed on your computer. Also let us know if you are using AVG Free Antivirus ( if you have any paid AVG subscription then let us know your registered email address). We look forward for your reply.
Best regards,
Can you please tell me the version number before this update so I can go back to it. The scan shows no threats when I ran it manually, but when I set up daily scans it doesn't scan the percentage never changes from 0 and no files are shown, the scanner goes around and round
Thank you for your help, I appreciate your time