No Subscription

Hi Deborah, 

We will clarify this for you. 
The 'Last Scan' will update only when you run the deep scan in the AVG Internet Security. 
You can contact the support from the application it self, AVG >> Menu >> Support

To know on how to use the AVG Secure VPN, click the below link : 
AVG Secure VPN for Windows and Mac - Getting Started (

I purchased the Ultimate package, got the license number, and downloaded it. 1) It makes a lot of pretty graphics but it does nothing. It says I
Last time scanned: "Never". Despite pressing the "Start Scan Now button" 2) Customer service is nowhere on here. 3) There's no dash or anything to tell me how to even access the VPN i am supposed to get and after a week it still says I HAV NO PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS despite shelling out $79 

Hi Deborah, 

We will clarify this for you. 
The 'Last Scan' will update only when you run the deep scan in the AVG Internet Security. 
You can contact the support from the application it self, AVG >> Menu >> Support

To know on how to use the AVG Secure VPN, click the below link : 
AVG Secure VPN for Windows and Mac - Getting Started (