Ordini n. 79574833800 e 79574883700

Hello Giuseppe.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.

According to our records you have Disputed these two orders. A Dispute occurs when a buyer asks their credit card issuer or PayPal to remove a charge from their account. In your case, the Dispute of your purchase was completed on 13th July 2020.

Unfortunately we are unable to help you with this matter. We recommend that you contact PayPal directly and request a refund. Or, please close the dispute with them and share a screenshot (https://bit.ly/3hmUdkG) of the confirmation that it has been closed. We will then be able to help you.

Buon giorno,
nel mese di luglio del 2020 ho disdetto due abbonamenti automatici dei prodotti Internet Security e Tune Up. L'importo del'abbonamento annuo di euro 84,99 è stato pagato tramite PayPal, ma i due programmi non mi sono stati resi disponibili.
Essendo questa segnalazione l'ennesima che faccio, vorrei conoscere i veri motivi che impediscono il rimborso DEI MIEI SOLDI. C'è qualcuno in grado di risolvere questo problema o no?. Per una maggiore delucidazione siete pregati di VEDERE le transazioni del mese di luglio del 2020. Fattura con i Informazioni relative numero d'ordine '79574833800' mille e 79574883700' 
Nonostante QUESTI Problemi, Che spero risolviate Quanto prima, auguro a tutti voi un Felice e Sereno 2021
Giuseppe Peana
Via De Biase 32 / b
07041 Alghero (SS) Italia

Hello Giuseppe.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.

According to our records you have Disputed these two orders. A Dispute occurs when a buyer asks their credit card issuer or PayPal to remove a charge from their account. In your case, the Dispute of your purchase was completed on 13th July 2020.

Unfortunately we are unable to help you with this matter. We recommend that you contact PayPal directly and request a refund. Or, please close the dispute with them and share a screenshot (https://bit.ly/3hmUdkG) of the confirmation that it has been closed. We will then be able to help you.