Payment site blocked

AGV blocks payments to online sites and my company portal. I have listed the sites that I deem safe, but it continues to block the sites.

Hi Johan,

We are sorry to hear this.

Are you able to access the website when the VPN is turned off?

Keep us posted.

Even when I have disabled all the components installed, it still won't work. I have now uninstalled AVG.

Thank you for the information. Please reinstall all the AVG programs and check if the issue gets resolved.

If the issue persists, please let us know so we can assist you further.
The payments and company web login work fine now.
I purchased all your products including the VPN with the exception of the optimizer.
Hi Johan,

We are sorry to hear this.

Are you able to access the website when the VPN is turned off?

Keep us posted.

Please accept our sincere apologies, Johan.

Let us know if you were able to make payments from the online site after uninstalling the AVG program.
Also, tell us if you just uninstalled the AVG Internet Security or if you uninstalled the AVG Secure VPN as well.
Keep us updated.