Payment taken for unknown subscription

Hello Peter,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I will certainly help you with this issue.As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Thank you for understanding.

I have had a payment taken for an AVG product I do not have.  I currently have no subscriptions showing in my account and can find no AVG products installed on my computer.
Please can you look into this for me?
Peter Dixon

Hello Peter,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I will certainly help you with this issue.As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Thank you for understanding.